
Robert Barnhill III, CPA/PFS, CFP©

imagestreamRobert E. Barnhill III is an attorney, certified public accountant, personal financial specialist, and certified financial planner who practices in the estate and retirement planning areas. He is also an adjunct professor at Texas Tech University in the Personal Financial Planning Department. He also conducts training sessions for various professional associations throughout the United States.

Mr. Barnhill was the 1996-97 International President for Toastmasters International, a past president of the West Texas Chapter of the Financial Planning Association, and a member of the American Bar Association, AICPA, and the National Speakers Association. Also, The Houston Chapter of the TSCPA awarded him the Outstanding CE Presenter for 2007-08.

Mr. Barnhill has B.B.A., M.B.A., and J.D. degrees from Texas Tech University. He also holds the Toastmasters International Accredited Speakers designation for platform excellence.

Club Purpose

The Robert Barnhill PFP Toastmasters Chapter is to honor Professor Robert Barnhill and help students improve their public speaking skills.

For over 28 years Robert Barnhill, JD, CPA, CFP© has been an instructor in the Personal Financial Planning Department at Texas Tech University and throughout his career he’s been a key leader in Toastmasters International. Professor Barnhill has, and still continues to educate students that are entering the financial services industry, as well as, Doctoral Candidates who will be teaching higher education courses throughout the world.

Whichever route the Personal Financial Planning students take (industry or academic) their ability to communicate effectively in private and public settings is paramount. It is our hope, that this organization will empower its members to become more confident and comfortable speaking in public and to make sure the teachings of Professor Barnhill are passed down for all future generations

Michael Walsh | Charter Member